My Work

Work In Progress


The cold? The ostracism? The rigor mortis? It was tough for Dwight Jacobs to decide what he hated most about being dead. Because it all pretty well sucked.

It took Dwight a while to get used to be a zombie. To be fair, there was a lot to get used to. Every inch of him hurt. Every living person despised him. He had to crank up the heat even in the summer to stay warm. He had to start going to zombie support group meetings. And he hated support groups. He resigned himself to his crappy new reality when he met Amy – a very pretty, very into him, very not-dead girl. And now things were simultaneously some much better, and so much worse.

Meanwhile, Dwight stumbles onto evidence of something amiss in the zombie community. A secret someone is trying to cover up. Zombies are starting to lose control of their hunger, and zombie attacks, once rare, are on the rise. If he can’t figure out what’s going on, and soon, he and the other zombies may not survive.

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